



In response to Canada’s Prohibition of Certain Toxic Substances Regulations of 2012, many companies updated their Engineering Specification to prohibit the use of Benzenamine, N-phenyl-reaction products with styrene and 2,4,4-trimethylpentene (BNST) (CAS 68921-45-9). These consumers request that all suppliers immediately report any use of BNST to them via GDX. In order to fulfill the request, please follow the instructions below.

Viewing Requests

Step 1

  • Log into your GDX account.
  • Click on Requests.

Step 2

  • Click on the customer name to see the detailed request.
  • Click on a specific part number to view the detailed part information.

Fulfill the request

Parts with FMD (Full Material Declaration)

Click on Continue .
Click on Full Material Disclosure (FMD) to identify if this part contains 2,4,4-trimethylpentene (BNST) (CAS 68921-45-9).
Supplier has to make sure , based on the documents they have, that the part doesn't have BNST , (make sure to check proprietaries)
If it doesn't have BNST, click on Complete Request to fulfill the request.
If it has BNST, please declare the substance, re-publish the part and click on Complete Request to fulfill the request.

Parts without FMD

Declare individual part without FMD

You can declare requests individually.

Prepare a XLS file which contains the following column information.

  • Company Name
  • Contact Name
  • Contact Email
  • Contact Phone Number
  • Date Provided
  • Part Number
  • Contains CAS 68921-45-9 ? : Yes or No
  • Amount : If Yes above
  • UOM : if Yes above

  • Upload this XLS file in Material Content Disclosure and related documents field
  • Choose the document type as Other.
  • Re-publish the part and click on Complete Request to fulfill the request.

Declare multiple parts without FMD

You can bulk declare all your parts at once.

Upload a XLS file which contains the following column information in Material Content Disclosure and related documents field in any one of the parts in the request:

  • Company Name
  • Contact Name
  • Contact Email
  • Contact Phone Number
  • Date Provided
  • Part Number
  • Contains CAS 68921-45-9 ? : Yes or No
  • Amount : If Yes above
  • UOM : if Yes above

Choose the document type as Other.
Re-publish the part and click on Complete Request to fulfill the request.
Note: You don't have to mark rest of the parts in the request as complete.