


Frequently Asked Questions

What are the different Conflict Mineral Disclosure levels?

Unknown: Supplier has not yet provided data relative to the use of 3TG (Tin, Tantalum, Tungsten, Gold), nor has supplier indicated the origin of any 3TG that may be present in specific parts, product family, division, or corporation.

Conflict Free: Supplier is indicating positive use of at least one 3TG mineral, but is also indicating that the smelting source of the minerals is conflict free.

Pending: Supplier has entered some data either relative to 3TG use or current status of Country of Origin Inquiry. Declaration is currently incomplete, but data from review of 3TG use and due diligence efforts surrounding conflict minerals is forthcoming.

Undeterminable: Supplier has conducted a reasonable country of origin inquiry and provided data relative to 3TG use. However, conflict status is currently unable to be determined at this time. This may be due to responses received from the supply base/chain. This is a valid status for at least 2 years.

Not Used: 3TG is not used in the specific parts, product family, division, or corporation. Therefore, there is no reason to believe that these parts would be a source of any due diligence efforts to determine 3TG use or conflict status.