



Are tantalum, tin, gold or tungsten necessary to the functionality or production of your product ?

A company is considered to be using these minerals if they are “necessary to the functionality or production” of a product manufactured or contracted to be manufactured by the company. A company is considered to be “contracting to manufacture” a product if it has some actual influence over the manufacturing of that product. This determination is based on facts and circumstances, taking into account the degree of influence a company exercises over the product’s manufacturing.


Useful Text


Have you completed a reasonable country of origin inquiry ?

A company that uses any of the designated minerals is required to conduct a reasonable ‘country of origin’ inquiry that must be performed in good faith and be reasonably designed to determine whether any of its minerals originated in the covered countries or are from scrap or recycled sources.


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Select origin of materials

For minerals that are used, select if the minerals are from recycled/scrap or from identified smelters


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Select conflict free status

Based on your inquiry, select the appropriate status


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Attach documentation

If any of the minerals are being used you are required to provide documentation that details the country of origin inquiry report.


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Does your company have a corporate policy for conflict free sourcing of minerals

Please provide responses to the questions


Comments and optional supporting documentation

If you have any comments to record with this declaration, type it into the comments box. Your comment will be shown in the activity history for the declaration.<br>If you have any optional supporting documents to provide, you may attach one or more documents to the declaration.</br>


Select an appropriate scope for the declaration.

<B>Company (Recommended)</B> : All parts in your company will be subject to the conflict free status as set in this declaration. When using a company scoped declaration you are not required to specify parts. All your parts (existing and new) will automatically take the conflict free status from this declaration </br>
<B>Division</B> : All parts in a particular division of your company. </br>
<B>Category</B> : All parts of a particular category. </br>
<B>Specific Parts</B> : Use this to declare specific parts. </br></br>
If declaration is scoped to a company division, parts category or specific parts you will be required to :</br>
Specify a name and description of the scope in the <I>Scope Details</I> section of this step. </br>
Specify the parts for which the conflict free status will apply. This can be done in the <I>Parts in scope</I> section of this step. You are not required to specify parts for declaration that have a Company scope. </br>


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