



REACH SVHC presence

Select the appropriate List and indicate if one or more SVHC is present above the allowed threshold of 1000 PPM


Select from appropriate SVHC list


Yes, if no substance concentration above 1000 PPM. No, if at least one substance concentration above 1000 PPM


Record substance concentrations over 1000 PPM

Record one or more substances of very high concern with its concentration above the allowed threshold. For substances with known weight, specify its weight and concentration. If a substance is present in multiple homogeneous materials, use the substance weight and concentration from the homogeneous material that has the largest concentration.


Material Category or Mixture category

For each of the SVHC, a material category or a mixture category must be reported.
<b>Additional material characteristics</b>
Provide, when relevant, additional information on the material the article is made of (article matrix) where the Candidate List substance is present from a pre-defined list of characteristics or by including a relevant characteristic. This field complements the ‘material category’ field in better describing the material that an article is made of.
<b>Mixture category (EUPCS)</b>
Provide, when relevant, the identification of a mixture containing the Candidate List substance incorporated in the further processing step (e.g. coating) of an article or incorporated when joining or assembling two or more articles in a complex object (e.g. adhesive, solder), by selecting the mixture category from a pre-defined list - the European product categorisation system (EuPCS). The ‘mixture category’ refers to the solid state material incorporated in articles as a result of using that category of mixture (e.g. adhesives, solders, coatings). It may also to be used for objects that are regarded as articles containing an integral substance/mixture (e.g. to refer to the liquid containing a Candidate List substance in a thermometer; to refer to the electrolyte containing a Candidate List substance in a battery). The mixture category allows to identify where in the article the Candidate List substance is present. Additional information and examples are available on ECHA website, namely on the SCIP webpage.


Article Identification

Specify Article Identifiers for the the part or product
<b>Article Name</b>
Provide an appropriate name for the article or complex object. The name should be simple, clear and concise, but at the same time descriptive, of the specific article or complex object you are reporting (e.g. screw, blade, pencil sharpener, digital watch, engine, motorcycle).
<b>Other Article Names</b>
Provide any additional name used to specifically identify the article or complex object, such as brand name, model or other. For example, a name appearing on the article or complex object, labels or catalogues. Other names rather refer to other names used to identify the article or complex object than to synonyms of the name provided in ‘Article name’ field. They must be provided for articles or complex objects placed on the market for consumers, when such names are available to them and are key to allow them to search the information in the SCIP database (e.g. brand and model). It comprises two attributes: value and type. The type is selected from a picklist and the name is a text field.
<B>Primary Identifier</B>
Provide a numerical or alphanumerical identifier of the product. The primary article identifier (type and value) is key to manage the SCIP notifications as an essential requisite to identify the SCIP notification submitted for that article as such or complex object in the ECHA submission portal.
The primary article identifier is composed of:
1. <i>Type</i>: This can be selected from a set of pre-defined picklist values (e.g. European Article Number - EAN, Universal Product Code - GPC, Global Trade Item Number - GTIN, catalogue number, part number) or defined freely using “other:”
2. <i>Value</i>: Alphanumeric text assigned by duty holder (e.g. the EAN number).
For articles placed on the market for consumers, at least, if available, an identifier made available to them, e.g. European Article Number (EAN), needs to be provided in this field or in the “Other Article Identifier” field, in order to allow consumers to identify unequivocally the article as such or the complex object for which information is being submitted.
<B>Other Identifiers</B>
Provide other numerical or alphanumerical identifier of the article as such or complex object you are reporting. The other article identifier is composed of two attributes: type and value.
Each article may be identified by more than one article identifier. For example, identifiers appearing on the article or complex object labels or catalogues.
For articles as such or complex objects placed on the market for consumers, at least an identifier available to consumers, e.g. European Article Number (EAN) barcode number, needs to be provided in this field or in the “Primary Article Identifier” field, in order to allow consumers to identify unequivocally the article or the complex object for which information is being reported.


Provide an appropriate name for the product. The name should be simple, clear and concise, but at the same time descriptive, of the product


Article Categorization

<b>Article Category</b>
The Article category is the way for you to provide the function or use of the article as such (with Candidate List substances) or complex object (incorporating such articles) that you are reporting from a harmonised list.
The appropriated article category (CN/TARIC code and description) is selected from a set of pre-defined values on a multi-select picklist, based on the integrated Tariff of the European Union – TARIC – list. The TARIC list incorporates the Combined Nomenclature (CN) codes and descriptions as set out in Annex I to Council Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 and the specific TARIC subheadings. Additional information is available on ECHA website, namely on the SCIP webpage.

<b>Production in European Union</b>
Indicate whether or not the article as such or complex object that you are reporting has been produced or assembled in the European Union


Article Characteristics

Provide physical characteristic(s) to help to identify or distinguish the product.
<b>Article Image</b>
Attach a visual representation of the article as such or complex object that you are reporting. A picture can be a photograph, a diagram, or some other visual representation of the article as such or complex object. Files must be image types like .jpg, .gif, .png, .svg et al.


Safe Use Instruction(s)

Provide information to ensure the safe use of the product throughout the whole life cycle including service life, disassembly and waste/recycling stage. It must enable all actors in the supply chain and consumers to take, at their stage of the use of the article, the appropriate risk management measures to guarantee the safe use of it.
It may also include information which is necessary to ensure proper management of the product once it becomes waste. You may include one or more relevant instruction(s).
You can either provide safe use instructions or leave it blank if the Candidate List substance is sufficient to allow safe use of the article throughout the whole life cycle including service life, disassembly and waste/recycling stage.
<b>Disassembling instructions</b>
Attach disassembling instructions, specific instructions describing how to safely disassemble the article or the complex object. Instructions must be in a PDF document.