



Review part for publishing

Declarations and other edits to your part can only be made available to your customer after you publish your part. As a first step towards publishing, we will review that the declaration information on this part is complete.


Publish part

On clicking publish, part information will be made available to your customers.<BR> Leave a comment that can be viewed by all your customers. These comments will help your customer understand the summary of declarations you have made.<BR> If there are customer requests associated with this part, this is a good time to leave a comment for that customer. These request specific comments are only viewable by the customer who made the request. For declarations that are completed, clicking the publish button will mark those requests as complete and send a message to your customer notifying them of availability of the declaration information.


Leave a comment that summarizes all the declaration changes on this part. These comments can be seen by all your customers


Leave a comment for your customer who requested this information