


Using the Import Dropbox

The GDX Import Dropbox allows you to upload a 1752 xml file to an ftp folder for automatic import into your GDX account. The import can set the following information for a part:
  • Part number
  • Part description
  • Weight
  • Full Material Disclosure (FMD)
  • RoHS status
  • REACH status
  • Manufacturing process

The dropbox supports both IPC 1752A and 1752v1.x format xml files. Do not upload pdf files, these will be rejected, you must upload the xml.
Note that you must contact Q Point prior to using this feature, so that your dropbox settings can be configured.


Using an ftp client, go to
Login: gdximports
Password: (contact technical support)

Upload one or more 1752 xml files. When you use this feature for the first time, just upload 1 file and complete all of the remaining steps below.

Please allow up to 15 minutes for your files to be processed. You will receive an email notification for each file submitted, indicating the success or fail, and any warnings.
Upon success, you can then find the part in your GDX workspace (e.g. by searching on the part number).

You must complete the following steps to complete the part and make it available to your customers:
  • Specify the RoHS CoC document and REACH SDoc document. You can reference an existing document in GDX or upload a new document. As always, never upload the same document more than once, but instead refer to the local document.
  • Set any other information, including the datasheet attachment.
  • Check all of the part information thoroughly.
    • If the part is BTS/Custom, confirm it is set correctly in GDX.
  • Publish the part. If there are validation errors, these will need to be corrected prior to publishing. The part will not be published until it passes all validation checks. You must publish the part in order for it to be available to your customers.

Requirements and Limitations

If your xml is non-conforming or has errors, it will be rejected.
The dropbox supports off-the-shelf (OTS) parts. If you plan to use the dropbox for custom (BTS) parts, please contact support to see if your custom parts can be supported.
If you have a single common RoHS CoC that applies to all your parts, contact support to learn how this can be applied to your imported parts. This also applies to a common REACH SDoc.
SubProducts: Assembly declarations with hierarchy in the xml will be flattened as part of the import process.
If your article is a candidate for the 7B application exemption, you must indicate indicate this exemption in the 1752.