


In General

Where can I register?

To regaister GDX, you can visit here:

Where can I sign in to GDX?

For Login, you can visit here:

Can I have multiple users for my account?

Yes, additional supplier logins are available upon request.

Why can't I delete this part?

When your part has been used (linked) or requested by your customer, you are able to delete it.

To identify:

  • Go to the part view
  • Click on Usage

you cannot delete the part until your Consumer unlinks it or deletes the part request.

My access to GDX is slow. How can I troubleshoot this problem?

Your internet access and routing may have issues. To help us determine the source of the problem, please perform the test below.
  1. Open up a command window on your computer
  2. C:\>tracert
  3. C:\>tracert

Send back the results to Technical Support

Why am I unable to make edits to the different information sections in GDX?

Check that your javascript is enabled. GDX requires javascript to be enabled.

I am unable to watch the tutorial videos. How can I get access?

If you company or country blocks YouTube, you can download the videos from the Q Point ftp site:
  • login: gdx_guest
  • password: qpointgdx

Can I import IPC 1752 declarations into GDX?

GDX can import your IPC 1752 declarations, including 1752A and the obsolete 1752v1.x formats. This will automatically create the part in GDX with full material disclosure, RoHS status, and exemptions. Contact Support for assistance.