


List of Manufacturers

To review the manufactures,

Going into the Parts page and click on the dropdown of Parts tab in the upper left corner.
Click Manufacturers

This would yield a matching result of supplier names and their corresponding names in GDX along with the part count and Conflict Mineral Status. It also shows the number of GDX account holders for each supplier.


As you know, GDX lets you map your supplier names to the supplier names in GDX. Then, when you link parts, GDX will know how to translate your manufacturer name to the name used by GDX, and GDX will pre-populate the search information. This makes linking of parts faster and easier. There is also an option to Clear supplier match and to Delete manufacturer .

Clear supplier match : To clear the match between Manufacturer name (the supplier's name) and Supplier Name in GDX
Delete manufacturer : To delete a manufacturer in the manufacturer list
Contacts : To review the supplier's contacts
Parts Count : It shows the total quantity of linked supplier's part
Conflict Mineral Disclosure : To show the details of supplier's conflict mineral disclosure
Update: To mach or update your supplier names, and supplier parts count.


Clicking the Update tab, a page opens up by which appropriate update action can be performed.

On clicking Next, upload the spreadsheet containing the fields to be updated.