


Material Declaration

What is the best way to declare a module or assembly?

If you supply modules, assemblies and other non-component products, there are different approaches to declarations in GDX, depending on your preferences and the size of your bom.
  1. You can declare each of the sub-assemblies as separate materials, and "flatten" the hierarchy as necessary. The most popular method for creating FMD in this situation is to import a spreadsheet into GDX. See Importing FMD Using a Spreadsheet for steps and examples.
  2. You can declare a rolled up summary of the product, combining substances and/or materials. A spreadsheet may also be utilized for import.

Where do I attach test reports?

You can attach your test reports in the documents list in the Material Declaration section.

After I enter this CAS#, why isn’t the corresponding substance name in the drop down list?

It can be two reasons, first the CAS# you entered is wrong. You can enter your substance name and find the correct corresponding CAS# in GDX. Second, the CAS# and corresponding substance are not in GDX database. For the second case, you can send a request email with CAS# and corresponding substance name to GDX Support.

Should I specify the exemptions in Material declaration level?

Yes. After you choose the exemptions in RoHS level, you need to specify the exemptions in material declaration. Otherwise, GDX will not let you publishing.
For more information, please visit Material Disclosure.