




The European Union has passed the Waste Framework Directive, which calls for the creation of a database for articles that contain a REACH Substance of Very High Concern SVHC above threshold. This database, SCIP [Substances of Concern in articles, as such or in complex objects (Products)] has three main objectives:
  1. Decrease the generation of waste containing hazardous substances by supporting the substitution of Candidate List substances in articles placed on the EU market.
  2. Make information available to further improve waste treatment operations.
  3. Allow authorities to monitor the use of substances of concern in articles and initiate appropriate actions over the whole lifecycle of articles, including at their waste stage.

Any supplier of an article containing a substance of very high concern (SVHC) on the Candidate List for Authorisation in a concentration above 0.1% weight by weight (w/w) on the EU market is required to submit information on that article to ECHA via SCIP, as from 5 January 2021.

Please see ECHA’s SCIP Support Page
For more resources on SCIP, including SCIP notification requirements
Details on getting started with SCIP may be found at the QPoint blog here
Please select the topic you are looking for

Sl No. Topic
1 SCIP Notification in GDX
2 Submitting data without SCIP details
3 Setting SCIP details for Product BoM
4 Product Level SCIP Ignore