


Frequently Asked Questions

See other FAQs at the bottom of the page

What is the best way to declare a module or assembly?

If you supply modules, assemblies and other non-component products, there are different approaches to declarations in GDX, depending on your preferences and the size of your bom.
  1. You can declare each of the sub-assemblies as separate materials, and "flatten" the hierarchy as necessary. The most popular method for creating FMD in this situation is to import a spreadsheet into GDX. See Importing FMD Using a Spreadsheet for steps and examples.
  2. You can declare a rolled up summary of the product, combining substances and/or materials. A spreadsheet may also be utilized for import.

I am creating a custom (build-to-spec / BTS) part, why can't I specify the customer this part is for?

If you do not see the customer in the list, that means they haven't specified you as a supplier yet in their GDX account. Please inform your customer or Contact Support and let us know who the customer is. Once the appropriate entry in made in your customer's GDX account, you will be able to select them from the dropdown list.

Where do I attach test reports?

You can attach your test reports in the documents list in the Material Declaration section.

Can we post customer specific Certificates of Compliance?

For build-to-spec items, it is acceptable to publish customer specific certificates of compliance.

For off-the-shelf items, industry best practice is to publish certificates of compliance common to all customers. This will allow you to author your compliance information one time, and more importantly, make it easier to update your compliance information. If you make certificates of compliance that are customer specific, when you update them, you will have to update every single document each time. This is a time consuming process, and will negatively affect your supplier rating with customers.

Can I have multiple users for my account?

Yes, additional supplier logins are available upon request.

My access to GDX is slow. How can I troubleshoot this problem?

Your internet access and routing may have issues. To help us determine the source of the problem, please perform the test below.
  1. Open up a command window on your computer
  2. C:\>tracert
  3. C:\>tracert

Send back the results to Technical Support

Why am I unable to make edits to the different information sections in GDX?

Check that your javascript is enabled. GDX requires javascript to be enabled.

I am unable to watch the tutorial videos. How can I get access?

If you company or country blocks YouTube, you can download the videos from the Q Point ftp site:
  • login: gdx_guest
  • password: qpointgdx